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Are You Enough?

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As a person you are an image bearer of God, who created you and loves you.

You are valuable beyond words because of this,


You are not enough on your own.

Christ is Enough.


Christ is enough to heal the brokenness in the world.

Christ is enough for your sins to be forgiven.  Christ is enough to fill your life.

Have you heard the GOSPEL?

The good news, the gospel, is a rescue story, a love story.


It could be your story.

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God created us

. . . along with the heavens and the earth and everything in it, and it was good.


However, when sin entered the world (when Adam and Eve disobeyed God), men and women were disconnected from God.  Once there was harmony between God and people,
but now that relationship is broken.

imperfect people - a Holy God

When we were separated from God, our very nature became polluted, corrupted. It is a mere shadow of what it was originally meant to be.


We are all sinners, those who willfully disobey God. Our sinful thoughts, words, and actions harm others, harm us, and more importantly, cause us to be guilty before a holy and perfect God.

eternity - with or without God

If we remain separated from God during this life, then our eternity will be just that;

separation from God forever.


Heaven is where we will be with God forever.
Hell is where we will be forever separated from God.


There are no other options.


God doesn’t force us to go to heaven or force us to go to hell. He gives us the choice to accept the gift of salvation or refuse Him and be separated from God forever.


That’s where the “rescue” part of the story comes in.


The only way to restore the relationship between us and God is through Jesus Christ and His death on the cross.

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none of us are sinless

By dying on the cross Jesus paid for all the debt that we owe because of all the sin in our life. We deserve the punishment for each and every sin we ever committed. We will all stand before God one day and He will judge us according to whether we are sinless (like Him) or not.

Since none of us are sinless,

we are all guilty before God.


However, if we believe in Jesus, turn away from sin, and accept His gift of salvation,

God will accept His sacrifice in the place of ours.


God will accept His own Son's death so we don't have to be separated from Him forever.

All we need to do is

. . . believe Jesus is who He said He is,
. . . turn away from sin and ask Him to forgive us,
. . . and receive Him as the only way to restore our relationship with God.


How will you respond
to Him?

If you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior (the one who saves you from sin) or have any questions, feel free to contact us.


In the meantime, read the Bible and ask God to open your eyes to the truth.

Don’t have a Bible?  Don’t know where to start?
One online resource is

You could start by reading the book of John in the New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation.

© 2024 by Mechanicsburg Christian Fellowship

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